Peace Ijeoma Ejieji Ezeibe, PhD1
Ambrose O. Abaneme PhD2 and Ezeibe Ndidi3
1Department of Public administration, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria
2Department of Political Scienceaifce, Owerri
3Department of Hospitality Management, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria
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Unemployment is currently one of the most serious problems in Nigeria. The Country has battled
with this menace for decades and it seems to be getting worse day by day. The huge
unemployment problem has led Nigerian society into high rate of poverty, increased crime rate,
poor economic growth, insurgency etc. As a result of unemployment, most people cannot afford
to buy food, pay rent and even transport themselves to various locations. However, the effect of
unemployment on socio-economic development of Nigeria can also be curtailed to ensure
economic development. The broad objective of this paper is to identify the causes, effects as well
as solutions of unemployment in Nigeria. More so, to realize the stated objective of the study,
secondary sources of data collection were used. The paper also makes use of descriptive and
historical approach as its methodological orientation. Based on the findings of the study, the
paper recommends the following: Restructuring of the educational system, tackling of insecurity,
reopening of close down sectors, controlling of population growth, diversification of the
economy etc