Nnoruka, Ifeoma Rita
Department of Office Technology and Management, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra
state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: nnorukaifeomarita@gmail.com
This paper seeks to integrate the opportunities of rapid advancement of technology into the
management and administration of education institution as well as identifying and addressing the
challenges that maybe encountered at the process. The paper adopted a qualitative technique which
involves the use of documents like textbooks, journals, magazines, newspapers, government
publications, NGO publications, internet materials and other documents. It reveals that integration
of technology in educational management and administration has the potential to revolutionize
education systems; technology integration enables educational managers and administrators to
engage in continuous professional development, enhancing management capacity and promoting
innovation in the field of educational management and administration. It recommends that a
comprehensive technology integration plan that aligns with the educational goals and includes a
clear implementation timeline should be adopted in management and administration of schools in
Nigeria; provision of access to student information systems to keep parents informed about their
child’s progress and school activities; development of student portals that provide access to
educational resources, grades, and feedback as well as professional development opportunities for
educators and administrative staff to stay updated with the latest technological tools and
educational methodologies.