Odinanwa Kachikwulu Anastasia1 and Onya Chinwe Caroline2
1&2Department of Business administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: drprincesskachiodinanwa@gmail.com
The study investigated workplace ethics and organizational discipline. The objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between: accountability and written reprimand: trustworthiness and demotions; courteousness and temporary pay cut; fairness and suspension; .mutual respect and termination of appointments .by organizational management. Four research questions guided the study. The literature approach was used to handle the study. Literatures were used to explain the variables used in the study including accountability, trustworthiness, courteousness, fairness, mutual respect, written reprimand, demotions, temporary pay cut, suspension and termination of appointments. It was discovered that a serious link exists between workplace ethics and .organizational discipline. Poor altitudes to-accountability may attract written reprimand; betrayal of trust may* attract demotion: poor attitude to courteousness may attract temporary pay cut; unfairness may lead to suspension and lack of mutual respect may attract termination of appointments. The study concluded that workplace ethics is the core basis for implementing the disciplinary measures available in any ‘business organization, it was’ recommended that workers among others and management of organizations should always be transparent and accountable in the discharge of their duties.