1Naziru Ahmad Atiku, 2Boboye Taiwo Adekemi And 3Malobi Ngozi Juliana
1-3 Department of Languages, School of General Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State
Corresponding email: atikunaziru85@gmail.com
Language plays an indisputable significant role in governance. As the primary tool for communication and interaction, language connects those that govern and the governed. It remains a crucial instrument for policy formulation and proclamation. Generally, governments use language to introduce the developmental policies they have for their citizens. The skillful word crafts that the government employs in the formulation and proclamation of the policies entices the citizens to overwhelmingly embrace and support the policy with utmost resilience. Governments in Nigeria have been using good diction to lure and win popularity from the masses as well as their optimistic impression. Therefore, this paper attempts to survey how some recent previous governments including the present government use language to impart optimism in the minds of Nigerians. The paper concludes that language is an indispensable tool that plays a central role in governance. However, the paper offers recommendations among others that governments should endeavour to fulfill and deliver their policies and promises trough diligent implementations not mere rhetoric.