1Remigius, Edwin Chukwudinso, 2Nwangwu, Hilary Uchenna And 3Njaka, IzuchukwuJide
1-3Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: edwinchukwudinsoremigius@gmail.com
Youth unemployment remains one of the defining challenges of our time, not just in Nigeria, but somehow across West Africa and beyond. Addressing youth unemployment means finding solutions with and for young people who are seeking a decent and productive job, are working but living in poverty or are discouraged by current labour market prospects. Such solutions should address both labour supply (through education, skills development and training) and labour demand (through job creation and an enabling environment for entrepreneurship), as well as the quality of work available for young people (including with regard to labour standards, working conditions and wages).The study relied on the secondary data while content analysis was employed in analyzing the gathered data. Marxist Theory of Unemployment was used as a framework of analysis in this study. The study discovered that unemployment among youths has significantly affected youth population with severe consequences on Nigeria survival as a nation. It is recommended that government should focus its attention to the quality of education so as to produce employable graduates, anti-corruption agencies be given full independence to fight corruption, there should be steady supply of electricity in order to enable industries operate which in turn can generate employment to the teeming youths.
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