1Chukwueke Uchealo and 2Ezeodili-Otti Vera N
1&2Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: chukwueke.uchealo@federalpolyoko.edu.ng
There has been a need to integrate the different parts and sectors of south-eastern Nigeria together in other to build a synergy that can foster the development of the region politically, economically, socially and otherwise. The church is a strong institution in the south –east that informs and transforms the mindset and behavior of the people. It is a platform that can facilitate effective integration of the south-eastern Nigeria into the mainstream of Nigeria’s political architecture; hence this study on the church and political development of the south-east with focus on the Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria. The questions that the researchers tried to sort answers to included; what are the programmes of the church in stimulating the political development of the south-east; what is the level of involvement of Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria south-east region in the political development of south-east; how has the church sensitized her members in getting involved in the political affairs. This study is an empirical one and the researchers made more use of the secondary data and observation in reaching conclusion. The researchers found out that the church has programmes that stimulate political development of the south-east and that sensitization of members is a running exercise at various local churches in communities across the south-east. The researchers concluded that if the exercise embarked by the churches is sustained, the south-east will be a force to reckon with in political development. They therefore recommend that there should be a healthy political and social atmosphere to enable people participate in the political development of the south-east.
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Full paper here