Nwapi, R. O.
Department of Political Science,
Abia State University, Uturu, Abia state, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author’s email:nwapiraymond@yahoo.com
Over the years organizations have been embarking on training and capacity building for their employees so as to enhance productivity and overall performance of the organizations. Despite the effort of the government and the organizations to improve the productivity of its workforce by engaging in training and capacity building, yet the productivity of its workforce continues to decline. This paper x-rays the extent to which capacity building enhances the quality of service delivery in public service organization and also to identify the factors that have been militating against capacity building of workers, the nexus between capacity building and workers’ productivity and types of training programmes in the public service or organization. The paper is anchored on the theory of organizational development propounded by KurlLewin in 1950. The major findings of the study were that capacity building enhances the quality of services delivery in the public service organizations and that lack of training, inadequate fund and lack of modern technologies are the major factors militating against capacity building of workers in public sector organizations. This paper recommends amongst others that government should commit their effort to building institutional and system capacity that produces the human capital that is committed to efficient service delivery.
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