1Department of Marketing, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
2Department of public administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: nonsookoli12@gmail.com
Unemployment is known to be a global economic problem that hampers economic growth. This turns out to be one of the serious obstacles to the colossal squandering of a country’s labour resources; therefore, it produces less output, resulting in lower income and sluggish economic growth. Recently, Nigeria’s unemployment rate has risen to an alarming rate of 33%. A lot of studies reveal that neglect of Agriculture is one of the major causes of unemployment. The discovery of crude oil in commercial quantity accompanied by the oil boom in the early 70s led to the gradual abandonment of Agriculture which was the nation’s largest source of livelihood. Individuals started migrating from rural to urban areas in search of white collar jobs. This trend accelerated the neglect of the agricultural sector making Nigeria a mono-product exporting nation which in turn heightened the rate of unemployment. Studies conducted by some researchers suggests that Agripreneurship development programme could aid in reviving the agricultural sector, enhance economic growth and reduce the unemployment rate. Agripreneurship refers to entrepreneurship in agriculture. Entrepreneurship is a concept that involves the transformation of an idea or vision into “a new business, or the creation of a new company, or the expansion of an existing company, by an individual, individuals, or an established company. This study explores Agripreneurship Development programme and its effects on unemployment rate in Nigeria.
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