1Department of Public Administration, Ken SaroWiwa Polytechnic, Bori,Rivers State, Nigeria.
2Department of General studies, Imo state Polytechnic, Umuagwo, Imo State, Nigeria.
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This paper examines mentorship, Good Governance, And Development in Nigerian organizations. The paper considers major issues/challenges affecting mentorship, Good Governance, and Development in Nigeria Such as the unwillingness of modern-day Mentors to effectively Coach Mentees for fear of those mentees becoming a threat to them in the nearest future, Absence of good mentors or scarcity of same as well as the lack of humble and teachable mentees in the society. Mentorship methods were addressed and linked to training which eventually leads to good governance and development. The paper argues that if good governance must be bequeathed to future generations, then the present generation of leaders must be willing to exercise good mentorship in all ramifications, even in academia. It suggested amongst others, that mentorship should be taken seriously especially by lecturers, politicians, and officers in government, to ensure National Development.
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