Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: orjiakor4god@gmail.com
Every polity is legally arranged for the discharge of functions, allocation of resources and to ensure compliance by the citizens. Hence, there are enabling laws both for the government and the governed. This work is an analysis of the adherence to the rule of law vis-à-vis President Buhari’s removal of the former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen. The study examines the accusation levelled against the learned icon and his subsequent removal in line with the law, the illegality of the executive, the power play in the removal etc. The study concluded by emphasizing that the law is supreme and above everybody and therefore recommends that A.V Dicey’s assertion of the rule of law should be strictly adhered to, also the removal of immunity clause in the constitution and for the law to take its cause on any violator no matter his position.
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