Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: ifegwu.nduka@federalpolyoko.edu.ng
The COVID-19pandemic had caused huge strain on the burden of governance globally, even the developed countries are cringing under the heavy load. This work is aimed at x-raying the impact of the pandemic on governance and explore how the fragile economy of Nigeria fared under its weight. The paper adopted a discourse approach based on content analysis. The finding is that there’s glaring deficits of proactive leadership in the pandemic management in Nigeria. The pandemic and faltering leadership plunged the country into untold hardship and heavy debt. Consequently, the paper recommends that government address the fragile health facilities in the country and embrace e-governance to enhance accountability, transparency and pure democracy based on citizen’s participation as a means to cushion the effect of the pandemic on the nation.
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