Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: Ogoamam2009@yahoo.com
This paper is to examine budget implementation and good governance in Nigeria. In any polity, developed, developing or under-developed, the idea of governance conjures a theoretical undertone of the social contract and the common good which budget implementation is expected to assure. This paper contends that poor governance results to poor budget implementation which occurs when the desired result on the target beneficiaries is not realized. The paper after analyzing several ways through which governance can improve budget implementation in Nigeria, the paper recommend among other things, that all the parties concerned especially the target beneficiaries should be involved at the formulation stage of the budget so as to accommodate all inputs. This will go a long way in providing the needed commitment by all parties who will see the budget as originating from them.
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