Department of Estate Management, Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State.
Corresponding Author’s email:ajogwuhillaryamaechi@gmail.com
Geographic information system (GIS) are computer based system for collection, storage, editing, retrieval analysis manipulation, display and presentation of spatial data in a problem solving environment for decision-making. GIS focuses on spatial data and their characteristics. It has a spatial and an attribute database in which the characteristics of location are stored, spatial problem of which waste is part of are often difficult to resolve. This difficulty lies in the inter-relationship between spatial features that have to be taken into consideration in the search for a solution. GIS provides set of tools and technologies for tackling these inter-relationship in order to resolve the problem under consideration (Rasheed, 2003). Waste management has become a very serious and highly unmanageable problem in major urban cities in Nigeria today. This is so because the public has come to the conclusion that it is the responsibility of the government to manage waste. In nearly all the state of the federation, the state government that possess the wherewithal to tackle this problem has passed on the responsibility to the local government.