Joana Chinedu IKpenwa
Department of Languages, School of General Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra
state, Nigeria
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Language is an essential component of communication skills which allows people to interact
successfully in their environment. Reading as one of the four language skills facilitates the
comprehension of various texts as well as their context and inference. Reading ability is critical
for improving one’s general literacy. That is to say that reading improves one’s vocabulary, speech,
analysis and communication. On the other hand, second language is the language a child learns
after he has acquired his first language (mother tongue). In Nigeria, English language is the second
language and official language which is used as the language of instruction from upper primary
school to the university. It is also the language of politics, religion, commerce, administration,
sports and the language used to conduct the activities of the national and state assemblies. This
paper therefore explores the interconnectedness of reading and second language learning,
highlighting the bidirectional relationship between the two.