Rev. Dr. Ekeyi, Emeka Oluchukwu
Department of Business Administration and Management, Federal Polytechnic, Oko,
Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email:
The study concentrates on “administrative stress on modern managers in corporate
organizations”. The problem identified was work motivation and compensation. Ethics and
values, work attitude and recruitment and selection process. This work showed the relevant
literature concerning the study. It goes further to explain the causes of administrative stress on
modern managers in business organization using a study of the Nigeria Immigration Office
Enugu Branch, Enugu State. Sample size of 92 was drawn from the total population of 120
using Taro Yemeni techniques. Simple percentage table and chi-square (X2
) table was used for
data presentation and analysis. The findings from the study showed that there are many factors
that cause stress on modern mangers in business organization. Recommendations flexible hours
of working opening and closing times could be adjusted to suit both customers and employees.
Use of virtual teams and virtual offices which can work from anywhere including the comfort
of their homes. In conclusion, organization can change organizational policies to give
individuals more control over their work activities, develop, support system, share goals and
direction. In view of this it is important for organization be alleviating the impact of stress on
modern management.