Ekwealor Ferdinand Ekwealor
Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: orjiakor4god@gmail.com
This study on Local Government and service delivery: Challenges and solutions in Anambra East Local Government was carried out to; examine state-local government relationship on local government service delivery; ascertain whether lack of fund is the bane of Local government service delivery; and examine whether corruption is one of the vices plaguing the progress of the Local government service delivery. Secondary source of data was utilized. The study looked at the functions of the Local government, history of Anambra East Local government and challenges facing the Local government in question and possible solutions towards service delivery. The theory adopted in this study is the decentralization theory. The following findings were made; lack of maintenance culture, financial crisis, excessive control of the council by the state, appointment of transition committee, corruption etc. The study concluded that Local government cannot perform unless it is free from the financial and administrative entanglements of the state government. The study therefore recommended inter alia; full autonomy to be granted to the council, revenue windows of the council to be released, democratically elected council through periodic elections to be ensured, discipline to be inculcated on the council staff by the anti-graft agencies and staff training and re-training .
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