Department of Office Technology and Management Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state Nigeria
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This paper explores communication effectiveness of the management and its impact on staff performance in Federal Polytechnic, Oko. The study was guided by three research questions. The population of the study was 3000 staff (academic and non-academic) out of which 200 staff were used as sample using simple random sampling technique. The major instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire. Tables and simple percentage were adopted as statistical tools for data presentation and analysis. It was discovered from study among other facts that timely communication, use of proper channel, etc. foster management’s communication effectiveness as it concerns staff job performances. On the other hand, lack of emotional awareness skill by management eg. negligence of staff welfare and other physical conditions, irregularities in handling staff matters etc. amount to ineffective communication. The study came up with some recommendations to forestall the identified challenging factors in management-staff communication relationships in relation to job performances. The recommendations included among others that the management of Federal Polytechnic, Oko should not bombard her staff with a lot of information (information overload) demanding too much from them within a short space of time hence stress on the part of the staff which usually leads to non-performance.
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