Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: njidekaethel@yahoo.com
Flooding have become a regular event in recent times. Cross River State being a coastal area has been experiencing flooding over the years yet, available studies have not adequately appraised the perception of residents of Cross River State as it concerns flooding. It is against this backdrop that this study was conceived. Specifically, the study examined the issues and implications of flooding in Nigeria with particular reference to Cross River State.Data were obtained using copies of questionnaire. A total of 400 copies were administered in the sampled areas. The multi-stage sampling technique was adopted in the selection of the areas that were sampled while the systematic approach was used in reaching the target audience. Furthermore, analysis were done using frequencies, simple percentages and the Household Perception Index (HPI). It was observed in the study that indicators to flooding include excessive rainfall, indiscriminate waste dumping, poor environmental planning, property development on flood prone areas, and absence of sufficient drainages among others. The occurrence of flood lead to loss of lives, properties, release of pollutants, social disintegrations, destruction of crops as well as economic losses. Based on the observations of the study, it was recommended that appropriate approaches be applied in the control and management of flooding in the study area. Notably, indiscriminate waste dumping should be discouraged. Technologies that will help in the early detection of flood should also be made available while drainage channels should be provided adequately
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