Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
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Given the poverty and rising unemployment level seemly occasioned by insecurity in Nigeria with the consequences and reality that government cannot provide the needed job for the growing population, it is imperative being entrepreneurs and create the needed jobs to stimulate economic growth and national security. This paper examines the effect of security on the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. It adopted a qualitative technique which involve the use of documents like textbooks, journals, magazines, newspapers, government publications, publications of Non-governmental organizations, internet materials and other documents. The paper identifies; lack of capital, greed, high cost of equipment, etc as challenges of entrepreneurship in economic growth and security. It recommends the following; B. Sc and HND certificates should be recognized by banks and other loan facilitating schemes as collateral for assessing of loans, youth empowerment programs such as N-power and others should grant loans to graduates of tertiary institutions who wants to set up their own businesses at the point of graduation, establishment of farm centers with majority of the employees being the youth, youth empowerment through entrepreneurship development, financial support and provision of equipment needed to start a business.
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