1Uchealo Chukwuekeand 2Valentina Chinasa Onwana
1Department of Public Administration, School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic Oko
2Department of Social Sciences, School of General Studies Federal Polytechnic Oko
Entrepreneurship development is the basis of industrial development. However, in Nigeria, this very importantnecessity is confronted with numerous upheavals which bother on the economic policy formulation in Nigeria. Hence, this article examines entrepreneurship growth and economic policy formulation in Nigeria.This problem needs solution because, the growth and development of any economy depends on her ability to be entrepreneurial and this cannot be possible without viable policies that will drive the system. This study was carried out using the qualitative desktop method in generating data. Numerous literature sources were consulted and analyzed in the bid toinvestigate the connect between entrepreneurship and effective public policy formulation in Nigeria.This work adopts a qualitative approach and is descriptive in nature, with the researchers setting out to demonstrate the relationship that exists between the dependent and independent variables.This paper argues that the undeveloped status of the economic sectors in Nigeria can be attributed to public policies being formulated, without taking into cognizance of the entrepreneurial development of the nation; an ineffective education system and lack of reliable power supply, among others.It concludes that entrepreneurship is basic in the sustenance of national growth and security and therefore, the public policies should reflect plans and programmes that will enhance entrepreneurship development and urge policy formulators to give rapt attention to entrepreneurship development in their policy making.
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