1&3Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
2Department of public administration, Abia state polytechnic, Aba, Abia state, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author’s email: ifegwu.nduka@federalpolyoko.edu.ng
This work focuses on the operations to achieve sustainable learning and education in Nigeria. It is anchored on the Integrated Model framework proposed by Picciano. The research adopted a discourse approach based on content analysis. It was found that though there are many roadblocks on the way to sustainable education and learning, the way out is via a mental shift as well as political will by the political class to pursue sustainable education; the legal framework that spell the minimum standard must also be strictly adhered to, if we must make progress towards sustainable learning and education; strong internet access and constant energy is a sine qua non for achieving this also; education has to be liberalized in Nigeria in order to raise the humongous resources needed for its sustainability-Communities, individuals, and organizations should be involved in funding education by setting up trust funds managed by transparent committees to complement government efforts; all stakeholders- schools/institutions managements, teachers and students- must be aware as well as play active roles. We therefore recommend sincerity and accountability in the system, from the education budget to the implementation of the same.
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