Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra state, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s email: edwinchukwudinsoremigius@gmail.com
Agriculture, today, is the world’s biggest employer and largest economic sector for many countries. Yet rural people who produce 80 percent of our food – make up four-fifths of the global poor Nigeria, Argentina, Angola, Algeria etc (WB 2022). The Nigeria government have tried many ways, initiated lots of policy and programmes which is aimed at restoring the country’s agricultural sector to its pride (Adama and Ofiobor, 2016). Progressive development is an interest of every country. Advancement in development is an indicator of successful policy implementation. When policies are properly implemented it will create wealth that would sustain development in the state. This paper review literatures that have empirically show that policy implementation would enable wealth creation in our rural sector however the administrators not implementing policies, the public not showing interest in agriculture equally affected development in the state. The study adopted exploration method to make analysis. Source of data is secondary sources. The study review that the administrators at the local government do little or nothing to have policies implemented; the public lack interest in agriculture as a profession. The study recommends that the government should set a monitoring team that would ensure policy implementation. The citizens should have access to loan.
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